Tony DePalma Homepage

Tony DePalma's undeniable truths of life

1. The United States of America is the greatest political story ever told.
2. Communism is the most evil system on the planet earth. There is no compromising with communists they must be defeated.
3. The New York Yankees are the greatest sports franchise ever known to mankind
4. The rich work hard to obtain wealth, and are achievement oriented, thus is the reason they have money
5. Ronald Reagan ended the Soviet Union's influence in the world with peace through strength.
 6. Only the Dead has seen the end of war.
 7. Hard work pays very large dividends
8. Men and women are different, and have certain God given roles in society.
9. Conservatism stands for decency and decorum, it is based on truth and seeking God's will.
10. Abortion is the killing of innocent life, and a society that condones such a cruel act is doomed to fail.
11. Evidence refutes Liberalism (One of Rush Limbaugh’s truths I borrowed it because its so correct)
12. A lone gunman deranged nut named Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. Any attempt to create a conspiracy is intellectual laziness
13. The Free Market can cure all economic ills, including Health Care and Education. Competition amongst each other is the only way to achieve great success. God meant for us to be Competitive yet compassionate.
14. The 60's era is an embarrassment to our culture, and has lead to the rapid moral decline of our Nation.
15. There is no such thing as separation of church and state in any founding document of the United States.
16. Anita Hill is the greatest liar of all time!
17. Giving money to the underclass ultimately expands the under class. The way out of poverty is through strong work ethic.
18. Gambling creates false hope, and expands the welfare state. True self worth comes from earning money honestly. Lottery winnings Etc. can never be enjoyed because they are ill gotten. 19. Sex, as an objective is self-robbery. The adoration before and after the act is far superior then the act itself.
20. The Earth is remarkably rejuvenated, not fragile, as environmentalists want us to believe. Environmentalism is the new home of socialism in America.
21. Animals do not have rights! Man accords them privileges because he is compassionate.
22. Ronald Reagan was the greatest President of the 20th century.
23. Gun laws do not help curb crime. It is more important for innocent citizens to arm themselves then it is to restrict firearms.
24. Babe Ruth was the greatest baseball player of all time. The 2nd greatest player is arguable, but no one was close to the Bambino.
25. Aids, is not growing despite what journalists say, and has never been a threat to heterosexuals.
26. Alexander Hamilton was one of the most important founders of this Nation, and set up the engine of a free market economy that remains the envy of the World.
27. Affirmative action is reverse discrimination. The best-qualified person should always be chosen regardless of race or gender.
28. The 1927 New York Yankees were the greatest team in any sport ever assembled.
29. Sam Walton was the best businessman in American history. Wal-Mart changed the American economy for the better, thus ending inflation, as we once knew it.
30. Love is not "a two way street" It is the giving of all of oneself without expectations on what is in it for self. Love based on emotion cannot succeed because emotions don't last.
31. Feelings are like gas they pass quickly
32. Oliver North is a true American hero who despised Communism so much that he went to any lengths to end it.
33. 1982-1989 were the best economic years in American history.
34. Magic Johnson was the greatest basketball player of all time.
35. Liberalism is a big lie, it can never work in a free society, and basically the philosophy says individuals are incapable of achieving on their own. Further it is a gutless choice, robbing the soul, and is secular humanism.
36. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Godfather of Liberalism was the most overrated President of all time. The notion that FDR helped end the depression is myth! Further he created a dependent Society with his New Deal.
37. Baseball is the most beautiful game ever played.
38. The 94 Election was an important historical event, which began a revolution that should have changed the political course of America for the better. But it was squandered by not educating the masses on what conservatism is and further by RINO’s who want Media Attention
39. God is the answer to all mans problems, seeking his will is the only way to full contentment in life.
40. Every man, women, and child has a fundamental idea of God. Calamity, pomp or worship often obscures it. Atheism is a myth “a plane flying over the Pacific loses 3 of 4 engines everyone prays not to the water below but to God” Rush Limbaugh.
41. Good has always and will always prevail over evil.
42. Cussing is a crutch for conversational cripples.
43. Taxing the rich hurts the middle class more then the rich
44. Man himself creates his own problems. Self-centeredness is the main problem of the human race.
45. If you do not listen to talk radio you're failing to educate yourself on current events and the world at large.
46. Bill Clinton was a serial sex offender and likely RAPIST whom destroyed the moral fabric of the youth in America for Generations to come. Further he was the worst man ever to hold the Presidency although not necessarily the worst President.
47. Islamic fascism must be completely and utterly defeated. There are no Negotiations with such evil. Muslims at large cannot be inculcated into society we must defeat them. Furthermore, there is no peaceful Islam
48. Barrack Obama is the most dangerous man ever elected to be President of the United States
49. America's brightest days are yet ahead. Your children will have a better life then we are having today. The Constitution will ultimately prevail because the America people will demand it.